What happens after a laparoscopic radical nephroureterectomy?
After this procedure, you’ll be taken to a recovery room and monitored for any potential complications. Once you wake up, you will be treated for pain and continue to be monitored. If you experience nausea (potentially related to anesthesia), you will be given medication to help treat it.
For one to two days after surgery, you’ll be given a liquid diet to help give your body time to recover. After that time, your physicians will help transition you back to real food. This process is differently paced for every patient.
The day after surgery, your nurses will encourage you to get out of bed and walk around. This helps the recovery process by limiting the risk of blood clots in your legs, prevents pneumonia, and encourages the healing process.
After you are discharged, you should avoid driving for two weeks after the procedure. It is very important for you to take it easy for six weeks (or as instructed by your doctor) and not do any heavy lifting (over 20 pounds). Walking as exercise is possible and highly encouraged after surgery. Most patients are able to return to work after 4 weeks. However, these are general guidelines and all patients are different. Ask your doctor if you have any questions.